Adding MathJax to Tumblr


I'd like to add MathJax to Tumblr site, although I'm a bit confused as to where to begin.

MathJax doesn't offer documentation for Tumblr, just sites like WordPress and some others.

Best Answer

MathJax is now available through a CDN, so you don't have to install it on a server any more. All you need to do is include a few lines in your html header and you can start using mathematics in your posts.

To do this, go to Theme -> Use custom HTML, and insert the following just above the </head> marker:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Save changes, and you're ready to include mathematics on your Tumblr pages. Try, for example

\[ \exp(x) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{x^n}{n!} \]

Good luck, hope this helps.