Dropbox Uploads – Allowing Anonymous Uploads to Your Dropbox Folder


Is it possible to allow an anonymous person to upload to my Dropbox folder?

If it is possible and someone wants to upload data to my public folder, can I limit the size of the file or the folder?

Best Answer

No third party can upload anything to your Public folder of Dropbox by default.

However, you can create a JotForm's Dropbox upload form to send files there. You will then need to embed the form into a webpage & host the webpage somewhere. If you don't have web hosting, you can put it into your Public folder of Dropbox since the page is static. The Dropbox link is hard to remember so you can create a "pretty" Bit.ly link, such as bit.ly/Files4DragonSlay3r, and give it out to people.

There are 2 limits in the free version: 100MB of monthly transfer and 100 submissions. There's another universal limit: 50MB per file uploaded.

In case you aren't proficient with HTML, here's template code for the webpage to embed the upload form:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My upload form</title>

Open Notepad (or other simple text editor but not Word, WordPerfect, WordPad, Pages, etc), paste the code into it, then click Save As and name the file dropbox-upload.html or whatever you like as long as it ends in .html. Then move the file into Public.