Amazon – How to deactivate automatic mobile view on


I'm using latest Opera Mini on an Nokia E61i and when visiting Amazon it stubbornly persists to switch automatically to a reduced mobile version. That's really annoying because I need even more clicks to get all information (read: to get the full product information it needs another load when already on the product due reduced information presented). I'd rather wait longer to load a bigger page than to load multiple pages.

So, is there a way to switch to normal view?

Best Answer

On my Blackberry browser, at the bottom of every mobile page is a link to the full version.

It looks like it just appends &force-full-site=1 to the end of the URL.


If you're looking for a way to completely disable the mobile version you would have to set your mobile browser to identify itself as a desktop browser. That is, spoof the user-agent in Opera Mini (no idea if that's possible, it is on my BB).

The Amazon website appears to redirect based on the user-agent of the browser, and can be overridden by the url option.