Amazon S3 – How to Fix Amazon Developer Account Issues

amazonamazon s3

I've tried asking on Amazon forums, but no one seems willing to help there

I signed up for the free developer account a while ago but I never used it. Last night, I signed up for Amazon's S3 service.

When I attempt to use Amazon's command line tools to access S3, I get an error:

$ aws s3 ls
A client error (NotSignedUp) occurred when calling the ListBuckets
operation: Your account is not signed up for the S3 service. You must
sign up before you can use S3.

When I visit Amazon's portal at, I'm told I already have it. I believe this is correct since I previously signed up for it.

enter image description here

When I attempt to contact support, I'm told to purchase a support incident!

enter image description here

I refuse to purchase a support incident while trying out the service, and I'm absolutely befuddled Amazon wants money from me for a broken sign-up process.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Best Answer

Your best option would be to simply create a new developer account and sign up for S3 again with a different ID. This would appear to be a clear Amazon bug and I doubt there's anything that can be done by anyone except Amazon technical support.