Amazon wishlist shows the basic address


I've made a wishlist on Amazon but when using the "show my wishlist as seen by others" feature, I get to see my own address. Not only that, it also shows my name and last name. My real name is not an issue, but I don't want my last name and address to be shown to the public. Ideally I wouldn't want anyone to see it, but I could understand if a purchaser/donor could see it after buying something for me.

I've tried looking into the options but there is nothing that actually sets the address or other personal information as private.

If it matters, I'm speaking about, but I guess the options are the same across the per-nation domains.

Best Answer

On the left, click "Show list profile", then a new section will appear below. Click "Update this list's profile". There you can change your name to not include your last name.

You can also remove the address entirely, which will require anyone purchasing something off the list to enter your address. (Though, it should never display the entire address, only name & city.) If its showing more than name & city, either is different than or maybe your shipping address is entered some weird way (e.g., entire thing in the city field).