Any way to hide Disqus box from Tumblr ask page only


I have successfully added Disqus to my Tumblr page quite some time ago, but for consistency I would like to remove the Disqus box from the ask page or all static pages. Is that even possible?

One of my Tumblelogs can be found here for reference.

Best Answer

Found a way of doing it! Wrap it in PermalinkPagination blocks:

   ...disqus code...

PermalinkPagination only shows on posts (actually, it only shows on posts if they have a previous and/or a next post, so it won't work on blogs with only one post) and not static pages. You can use it within the context of a PermalinkPage block to include content that should only show on post pages rather than static pages.

You can use PermalinkPagination numerous times in the template.

To see it in action, have a look at a static page vs. a blog post on my Tumblr blog.