Apply Google’s “Scan and Match” feature to music I have already uploaded


With Google's "Scan and Match" feature, I understand that when I go to upload new music, Google will scan the music prior to uploading, and if Google has a copy already, it just adds their copy to my music collection online (instead of uploading it again). Sometimes Google's copy is higher quality than mine, so I would like to apply this to ALL of my music (including already-uploaded music). Is there any way to do this?

The alternative I see is to just delete everything and start over, but that sucks. 🙁

Best Answer

It looks like this will be happening automatically over time. Here's the relevant portion of the Google Help page on the feature.

If you’re a longtime Google Play Music user, you don’t need to re-upload your files to have them matched. In the next few months, we'll automatically match what we can of your existing library.