Are there any crucial risks to allowing mobile users sign in with the same username and password to collect data in CommCare


I want to allow 8 different mobile workers to access the same CommCare application on their phones and submit data to the same forms. We are not using user as a case. Is there any reason we shouldn't allow mobile workers to collect data using the same username and password? Are there any risks we should be aware of?

Best Answer

There are some assumptions that get made about the locality of a user to a single device. If the same user logs into multiple devices there are some edge cases where they won't see updated data that was changed on one of the other devices. This is because the server tries to optimize what data get's synced to a user and assumes that any changes made by the user don't need to be re-synced to the device (since they're already on the device).

There may be other side effects but in general it's not something that is well tested or supported.