Automatically post to Instagram from Twitter / Facebook / Tumblr post


I have a blog and various social media channels to which I regularly post a curated set of images. I'd like to automatically post to Instagram. My current multi-platform social media setup is like this:

  1. Upload photos to my Dropbox folder.
  2. Run an IFTTT workflow to automatically add all Dropbox photos to my Tumblr queue.
  3. Run a IFTTT workflow to automatically post all new Tumblr image posts to Facebook and Twitter.

The image post to Instagram could be taken picked up from any of the above platforms at any stage in the workflow, but so far I've been unable to find a tool that will do this for me. Can this be done by using a "api linking service" like IFTTT or Zapier, etc. or a social media management tool like Hoot-suite or Buffer? Or is there any other way?

Question Update Feb 2020

I have placed a bounty on this question in order to get an updated answer, ive noticed that Instagram now seem to allow scheduled posts via some 3rd party applications like Hootsuite or Later. Now that Instagram have allowed scheduled posts, is it possible to fit a a scheduled instagram post workflow into the workflow i have explained in my original question above, either using IFTTT, Zapier or another platform ?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, the Instagram API does not allow for posting to Instagram. It can only be used to get information from Instagram. That's why IFTTT and Zapier aren't going to be able to help you here.

Consider using Instagram as your starting point. For instance, post to Instagram and automatically also post to Tumblr.