Bing Maps – Troubleshooting Bing Maps Not Finding 10 Downing Street


I have an English OS, Firefox locale is English. I happen to physically be in Japan.
Bing Maps can't find 10 Downing Street, London:

Bing Maps

It can find Japanese addresses, though.

QUESTION: Is there a way to make Bing Maps understand addresses of all countries, not just the country I happen to be in right now?

  • I never asked Bing to use Japanese. I just happen to be in Japan.
  • I don't have a Bing account. The setting (default) appear to be English:

enter image description here enter image description here

Best Answer

I also have English OS, Firefox using English locale, and I am in the US.

So to force me to use Japanese map service, I went to (same as I do for Google when I explicitly want Japanese results), the select Maps from the top menu. Since you are in Japan, Bing might be sending you there by default.

Then I entered "10 Downing Street, London" as you did. Well, it could not find it.

enter image description here

What I finally figured out is that you have to enter the search location in katakana as it is shown on the map. Not there, no dice.

enter image description here

In UK and US maps, zooming in there are cities in alpha text, but search could not find them. I think if you can find "10 Downing Street" by going there on the map manually you will see what you can search for (as long as it is in katakana). Kind of backwards though.

EDIT - Additional Information:

Based on OP's feedback, he could go to a national Bing site you would expect to be in English (in this case was tried), and the maps were in English again. Then (again from Japan) maps on also were in English, probably due to a cookie being set.