Outlook Website – Black and White Emojis Showing Up


I have a client I am working with who has the Windows 7 black and white emojis showing up instead of the colour emojis you'd normally expect to display. The client has no problem in Gmail using the same web browser. Both Firefox 64 and IE 11.0.9866.19230 that they have on their computer seem to have the same problem on the Outlook site. Her emojis still show up in colour fine for others who she sends messages to, just not for her.

Is this a Outlook issue, or is there something wrong on the Windows 7 machine that they can do to fix things?

I've already had them clear their cache/cookies on their browser.

Best Answer

This should be by design. Please refer to this article: To see the colorful emoji versions in Outlook, you will need Windows 10 or Windows 8.1 (partial support).

When using Windows 7, you can insert the black and white version via the Segoe UI Symbol font. If the recipient supports colorful emoji, the colorful version will still be shown.