Bing – How to Block Sites from Search Results


Is there a way to tell Bing that I never want results from a certain domain?

Best Answer

I add after my search items.

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In this example I have added my current ignore list. To make it easy for day-to-day use, I use a text expander to enter all the domains that annoy me. In my text expander I make all instances of "---" show up as "". I use the text expanding feature of AutoHotkey as I already use that program for several other automation tasks.

This works for Bing and Google. I used just for Google successfully, but multiple domains this way broke Bing. Whereas with the -site: both search engines seem to behave appropriately.

It is not perfect, but it saves me time. Google used to let you block pages on a blacklist, but discontinued that service. We need to remember that in the search world, we are the product and

Or in Chrome modify your default search settings. Example: after the arrow insert to always append to your searches.

google chrome search settings

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