Blog reading and following for busy people


There are lots of RSS readers out there, but they just flood you with a big list of all the posts from the site to date. For those of us who are time-starved, but still like to keep in touch in a passive way (meaning not regularly going through your RSS reader like your inbox), this is overwhelming.

What I want this reader to do is, whenever I have some time to catch up, show me the top X posts (using whatever criteria) from the blog for a specific time period. This period could be a day, a week or a month! By this way, even if I took a long break, I could still catch up and feel not being left out!

Are there any apps like this out there?

Best Answer

Have you looked at Google Readers 'sort by magic' feature;

Only have a 10 minute coffee break and want to see the best items first? All feeds now have a new sort option called "magic" that re-orders items in the feed based on your personal usage, and overall activity in Reader, instead of default chronological order.

Hope this helps.