Blogger: How to include a Page with all the things that I +1’d (possibly through RSS feed)


I'd like to create a new Page in Blogger that aggregates all of the pages that I have +1'd.

I'd like the feed that is generated in Google Plus<userID>/plusones to display on the Page created in Blogger.

Some solutions:

  • Just link out to the Google Plus plusones page. I would rather avoid this, as it will take the user away from the blog.
  • Create an RSS feed out of the plusones page. I like this idea, but unfortunately can't get it to work. Tried some solutions from this Google Forum Question and from this blog post, but was unsuccessful.
  • Create some custom Javascript/AJAX. This would require a lot of extra work that can already be solved by the RSS Feed. Plus, I don't think the plusones API has been made available yet.

Has anyone gotten this to work or been able to successfully generate an RSS feed from the plusones page? If so, how?

Best Answer

You can get a json feed with Google+ API. Here is a sample request -


Sample results -

 "id": ",2010:/plus/people/100089984211197410017/activities/public",
 "items": [
   "kind": "plus#activity",
   "title": "Always have your stuff when you need it with @Dropbox. Sign up for free!",
   "url": ""
   "kind": "plus#activity",
   "title": "500px for Android is here! The app doesnt have upload option. You can only view photos you or som...",
   "url": ""
   "kind": "plus#activity",
   "title": "Reshared post from Mimi Round",
   "url": ""

You can find more details at Google+ API Documentation.