Bulk export of Delicious bookmarks saved by other users based on tags


Looking to bulk export a mammoth dump of bookmarks saved by other Delicious users. This isn't the same as exporting your own bookmarks, which is handy in itself and unleashes to you your entire save collection.

Say one is interested in all things bacon and wants to save the rich history of all things tagged as such by throngs of other users, keeping a copy of this reference material before the library is burnt to the ground.

Hacking the RSS feed only gets you 100 of these from a rough gauge of 32,220+ in the bank. Apparently, Delicious don't make nice with automated extraction tools either.

Is there a way to snatch the whole batch of greasy bookmarks saved by other users of the service based on tags?

Best Answer

Although automated extraction is blocked, you could give Selenium a try. With the Selenium IDE you can just:

  1. go to http://www.delicious.com/tag/bacon
  2. search for links with class "taggedlink" and extract their url
  3. search for link with classes "pn" and "next" and click it
  4. repeat step 2 until last page

I know the answer comes late, but maybe this is useful for you.

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