Confluence – Using as a Yammer or Facebook Replacement


We are evaluating Confluence as a wiki and the foundation for a company intranet. We have previously used Yammer, with it's Facebook like social activity stream (post a thought, a link, a photo, and other users can comment or 'like' the post).

Does Confluence have a feature or plugin that offers this sort of functionality? To be clear, I do not want a widget that will display content pulled from Yammer or Facebook – we just want similar functionality.

Best Answer

Confluence has some facebook-like social features which where introduced in the latest versions (especially in 4.x) for better collaboration.

These includes:

My opinion: I have seen Confluence in many companies as a intranet platform with good acceptance. But you should be aware that it is mainly a enterprise wiki and usabilty is focused on this. Posting a photo for example is only possible when creating a blog-post. Where as you can post a thought by using your personal status update.

Also see