Bing Statistics – Can We Get Statistics from Bing Search?


I want to setup Bing search for my own website with the help of Bing API. Is it possible to get some sort of statistics that tells me what kind of searches users made on my website or where they are coming from, etc? Is there any feature available in Bing that give me these kind or any other kind of statistics?

Best Answer

Bing provides statistics that includes call volume, top queries, user agent, response code, amongst other things on

Bing Statistics is not available for standalone API offerings at the moment:

Bing Statistics Add-in is only available with the Bing APIs' Tiers S1 to S9. It is not available for the standalone API offerings. However, Bing Statistics does provide metrics for all the endpoints included in various Tiers. It is also not available for any other APIs on Cognitive Services apart from the Bing APIs (through S1 to S9 Tiers).


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