Cannot change Diigo highlight color when it has a sticky note


In Diigo, we can highlight text and add a sticky note to that highlighted text.

I cannot find a way to change the highlight's color after adding a sticky note to it.

Is there a solution to this?

Please share.

I've tested and on Firefox we can change it; on Chrome we cannot.

Best Answer

This is what works for me on a Mac using Firefox.

  1. Mouse over the note indicator.

  2. When your note appears, there's a little "Edit" menu in the bottom left, shown with a pencil icon. Click it.

  3. A menu appears. (For some reason, mine's a little far away from the note.)

  4. Pick the color you want to change to.

  5. Done.

(I don't have enough rep to post an image yet, but I've posted a series of screen grabs showing these steps.)