Can’t figure out how to center tags on a tumblr theme? padding issue


I don't have experience in coding and I have a heavily modified theme for my blog. But for the longest time I just can't figure out how to center the tags. It's always off-center and to the right.

enter image description here

I remember modifying a value a while back and to this day I still can't find what I did wrong. I've been told it's a padding issue but i can't find where in the code to modify it from.

(they told me to look for ".tags" but i don't have that in my theme)

I can see it's off by 40px but despite looking in the code and individually changing each value to see if that affects it I've had no success. I truly am stumped.

enter image description here

I can even see the problem when I inspect it but I don't know what I should be looking for in order to modify it.

Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Okay, I think the source of your problem (as far as I can tell you also figured this out, but didn't bother to state so explicitly) is the webkit-padding-start:40px; instruction that's causing you trouble. It's the "base css" that your browser apply to a page before any other instruction is applied. It's what allows a bare HTMl page with no CSS to be legible and not just a long string of text.

You need to "zero out" that padding (the padding on ul.tags) by explicitly setting it to 0 (which is probably the instruction you deleted at some point). discusses that exact issue. A five minutes google search would have done the trick.