Changing the aspect ratio of an image in Wikipedia

image manipulationwikipedia

How can one change the aspect ratio of a Wikipedia image?

For example, in the International Code of Signals, an example of the 'Whiskey' flag (referring to the letter W) is saved with an aspect ratio of 3:2 :

[[File:Whiskey flag.svg]]

It is also legitimate to display these flags with an aspect ratio of 1:1, and I'm trying to figure out how to do so with the existing material.

Based on the information at, I've experimented with the following:

  • [[File:Whiskey flag.svg|50x50px]]
  • [[File:Whiskey flag.svg|50px|x50px]]
  • [[File:Whiskey flag.svg|50px|upright=1.33]]
  • [[File:Whiskey flag.svg|50px|upright=0.66]]

but all of these have been unsuccessful.

Is it possible to change the aspect ratio of an image in Wikipedia and, if so, how?

Best Answer

As far as I know, MediaWiki doesn't have any syntax for that. The image syntax is for displaying images, not for modifying them, which is what you're asking.

To do this, I think you will have to reupload the image with the aspect ratio you want.