Cognito Forms – Fix Date Formatting Error


I have a field for Student Birth Date – defined as date, nothing else. When the form is in production whatever date you type in it the error says it's not formatted correctly.

I deleted it and re-added it, same error. I've typed the date in, chosen it from the date picker. Really if I choose today's date in another year the error goes away (e.g. today is 8/4/16, choosing 8/4/06 no error, 8/5/06 = error).

What's wrong with this?

before date is added

error message

Best Answer

Some JavaScript libraries manipulate the default behavior of intrinsic types, such as Date, in ways that are not predictable or expected by Cognito Forms. If you are seeing unexpected behavior for a form embedded in your website, try using the IFrame embed option, which eliminates JavaScript incompatibilities like this.