Cognito-forms – How to send confirmation emails to multiple respondent addresses when entries are submitted in Cognito Forms


I have a need to email a form submission to two respondent addresses each time the form is submitted. In a perfect world I would be able to place two email fields on the form and select both in the mail To field on the submissions page. This doesn't look possible.

I see in the forums that this should be possible by placing a semicolon between the addresses and using a single email field. However the validation for the email field rejects the address when you use the semicolon as a separator. Is there another way to do this that I am missing?

Best Answer

I am a developer with Cognito Forms. Unlike the notification email, you can only have one recipient for a confirmation email. However, we are planning to provide support for multiple email notification configurations in the near future. You can follow our progress on this feature over on our Idea Board.