Cognito-forms – Prefilling a Cognito form


I am really hoping someone would be able to help.

I have designed a long form containing around 50-60 fields of different types, some are conditional on others. I use this form to collect data from my customers. For a customer who has already submitted this form before, I want to have this form pre-filled with the information that was submitted last time. I have seen the ways in which a form can be pre-filled on Cognito website, but given that I have a long list of fields, manually inputting the field names and values is impractical. Is there any way to achieve this? A crude example coming to mind is to recordevery entry as a JSON and pulling up that JSON file by name if a customer opts to pre-fill the form.

I am open to embedding the form on a website or use the default Cognito link.

Best Answer

I’m a developer with Cognito Forms. Based on your description, I believe the Entry Sharing feature is more suited for your needs. With entry sharing, you can send links to your users that allow them to update their entries they’ve already submitted.