Cognito-forms – way to eliminate options when quantity hits 0


I'm building a form that involves class times. When a certain class time his 0, will that option disappear, or is it going to be up there even if the quantity is empty?

For example, if this class time hits 0, will it still be in the drop down?:

Forms example

It's been pain point with our last product to have those options still in there. Some classes can have almost 20 options! It will be a pain for our clients to have to select each option to see if it's filled or not.

Best Answer

Currently, Cognito Forms will limit quantities for choices but will not disable or hide choices that are no longer valid. We just released this feature a few weeks ago and are listening to feedback from our customers on how to improve this to better meet your needs.

Please submit a feature request detailing what types of changes would enhance your use of quantity limits.