CommCare application is not syncing with server


I have a phone that is not being synched with the server despite the following attempts of troubleshooting:

  1. Telephone has data and credit
  2. Data is on and airplane mode is off
  3. Phone was restarted 3 times already
  4. commCare has 376 pending forms.
  5. Wi-Fi was tried and it also failed.

I don't want to use clear user data as all forms will be lost.

Any idea what could be happening and what other option I have to fix it?

Best Answer

Posting this here just in case anyone else experiences the problem. We recently experienced this issue with another project and followed the steps below to debug the problem

On the mobile device:

  • We went to saved forms on the user's device and then filtered by unsent forms only.

  • The user had about 187 unsent forms, scrolled to the bottom of the unsent forms list, and tried to open the last form. We got an error saying: "Unable to open encrypted form..."

  • We then long pressed this form and then selected Scan Record Integrity. We got an error as well.

  • We then tried to sync again after doing this, and it still failed.

  • Next, we deleted this record, and the device started to sync.

  • It stopped syncing after a while, and going back to the list, we found another form with the same error. We deleted that and the sync completed.

Sometimes, the unsent forms may get corrupt / deleted and this blocks the sync from completing.