GitHub – How to Create a Folder via Web Interface


I want to add a new folder to my newly created GitHub repository without installing the windows setup. Is it possible to do so? I have gone through help which is saying to execute some commands to create a folder but I don't know where to write those commands.

I can't install a Windows setup because my office PC is restricted.

I know how to add files using the web app interface but not folders.

Best Answer

It is possible to create a new folder from the web interface, but it would require you to have at least one file within the folder when creating it.

When using the normal way of creating new files through the web interface, you can type in the folder into the file name to create the file within that new directory.

E.g. If I would like to create the file in a series of subfolders, I can do this (taken from the GitHub Blog): With credits to GitHub