Crossposting between Delicious and Tumblr so tags are synchronised


I rely heavily on ( and would like to post select Delicious links to Tumblr. This can easily be done by feeding the RSS feed for my "to:tumblr" Delicious tag into Tumblr. However, I want the post that I send to Delicious and Tumblr to be tagged in the same way on both sites.

The delicious API supports outputting tag data, but I don't believe the Tumblr interface as-is pulls that data.

What's the easiest way to crosspost between Delicious and Tumblr?

Perhaps a fancy bookmarklet that lets me decide if I want to post to one or the other and posts tags to both?

I tried (now dead) a while ago, but I don't believe it was pushing the same tags to both services.

Best Answer

Looks like If This Then That will do exactly this. It will scan my Delicious or Pinboard feed and sync links to Tumblr as link posts with tags. Brilliant.