Difficulties in exporting a PDF from draw.io


Everytime I try to export a diagram from draw.io to pdf it just gives "error saving file" or does nothing. This happens especially when I enable the mathematical typesetting feature. When I successfully export PDF file from the diagram after many trials, the exported diagram looks different from the actual diagram in draw.io. Is there anything I can do fix this?


Below is the file that causes the problem (you can save it in .drawio file). Using the 'print' option in the File menu does not work either. For example, when I click print -> OK, nothing happens

BTW, I am using the desktop version

<mxfile modified="2019-05-16T00:49:08.927Z" host="www.draw.io" agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) draw.io/9.3.1 Chrome/66.0.3359.181 Electron/3.0.6 Safari/537.36" etag="oqa2PTnF-crdeIcZyT9C" version="10.6.7" type="device"><diagram id="zJaDm6VkeqVxXdKPE4xx" name="Page-1">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</diagram></mxfile>

Best Answer

According to draw.io Helpdesk...

"Huge diagrams might cause a timeout on the servers that generate the PDFs. This might result in a blank or corrupt PDF being returned..."

How big are the diagrams you are trying to export? Do you have the correct permissions to access/edit the diagrams? More info here.

It appears draw.io is aware of issues that occur when exporting as a PDF, so it might be worth trying to manually export as a PDF file via the printing dialog on Mac or Windows. Instructions on how to do that are here.

Finally, you can also export the diagram as an XML file and reimport it in a new file to see if that helps:

In the menu select Extras->Edit Diagram, select the text that starts and end with tags, open a text editor, paste the XML in as a new file and save it. That file will be loadable back into draw.io using a fresh browser tab with www.draw.io loaded, opening the file from the local device where you saved it.

More details here.

If all else fails, try contacting draw.io Helpcenter support. Hope this helps.