Wikipedia – Disable or Change Access Keys in Firefox

firefoxkeyboard shortcutswikipedia

As I stumbled upon an add-on to control the Spotify web player from a keyboard, I noticed that sites like Wikipedia are using so-called access keys to up/downgrade users experience. That is alright until I can not find a way to block specified access keys from websites or even change them.
In Firefox Alt + Shift seem to activate those access keys. Hence Alt + Shift + P is my desired shortcut to stop and play the music within the web player, but is conflicting with the same short cut on

Is there any way to permit or change access keys from specified websites for good? I don't have much understanding, but cookies won't be the solution since they are cleared on a regular basis.

PS: I very much prefer a solution without extensions

Best Answer

Better late than never: I've found the first linked answer of @user0 with its instructions very helpful.

Go to "site informations" next to the URL, expand "Connections details" and hit "More informations". A small window "site informations" will pop up, under "Permissions" uncheck "override shrotcuts".*

*Losely translated into english since my language setting is different.