Disable MailChimp Signup Forms


I am using MailChimp for my newsletter. I do not want that people can sign up for my newsletter. How can I disable the mail Signup Forms? enter image description here

If I click on General forms I find a public link where people can register for my newsletter. I do not want that such a link exists. How can I disable it?

Explanation: I have a membership site and I send a newsletter to those members with MailChimp. I synchronize the email accounts from MailChimp with the database of my membership site through https://github.com/drewm/mailchimp-api/ and webhooks. I only want that people from the membership site are included in the newsletter.

Best Answer

You can't disable it. However, there is a work-around for making sure you only send to people on your membership site.

  1. You will need to create a hidden group in Mailchimp

It needs to be a hidden group and it might be called "Members". Make sure that people are not added to this group by default. Then you add/synch all your legitimate members to this Members group and only send emails to this group.

Every now and then you could check to see if there are any stray people on the list who somehow got there but are not on the group - they may have tried to sign up from the form by themselves... upon which you can remove them from the list as needless clutter or pitch them a sale.

  1. Secondly, you will need to adjust your publicity settings to private so that your campaigns are not available to the public.