Do CommCare Auto Case Closure case property filters overrule the Case Close field (days since updated)


I want to set up an automatic case closure rule so that if the parent case has been flagged for closure (parent/hh_close_case = 'yes'), the child case will automatically close. This CommCare help site page on Automatic Case Closure references the required Case Close field (where you specify the # of days after which the case should be closed if it hasn't been updated), and additional case property filters you can add.

I want my filter to be: parent/hh_close_case = 'yes', and I want the case to close immediately.

However, if I put X days in the Case Close field, will the case close only after X days AND after meeting the filter criteria? Or will it close as soon as it meets either the Case Close criteria OR the filter criteria?

Best Answer

All of the criteria in the case close rule are ANDed together, so the case would only close if it has not been modified in X days AND all other conditions specified are true.