Does LinkedIn have a specific option or setting for when you’re looking for work and want recruiters to contact you


In LinkedIn is there a setting for when you are looking for work and want people to contact you with job offers? For example is there a specific place to specify it's ok for recruiters to contact you? I may be remembering wrong but I thought there was and now I can't find it. Maybe I'm thinking of craigslist how they have the option "ok to be solicited for other offers" or something like that.

Best Answer

The answer is yes. In case the URL below changes, the article's title is Sharing Your Career Interests with Recruiters

The steps are as follows:

  • Click on "View Profile" under your icon
  • In the dashboard section, click on Career Interests
  • Once you're in the Career interests page, you can now use the toggle to turn the feature on/off