Does have an API to download data? If not, are any scraping tools available

I have been using for some time to track my personal finances, and I'd like to be able to download my data so I can perform more in-depth analysis than what is provided on the site. also lost a good chunk of my data recently, and their customer service is less than stellar, so I'd like to keep a copy locally.

Obviously, an API provided by would be ideal, but as far as I know there isn't one available. Let me know if I've missed that.

A second option is to write a script that authenticates to and scrapes the site periodically. Has anybody attempted to do this (in any language on any platform)? I have a feeling it would be a little more difficult than sending a password to a login page and saving the session cookie returned in the response.

A third option is to write a plugin (firefox or chrome) that saves the data when I am logged in and looking at the site.

I figure that other people have attempted to get their data out of mint, so I thought I'd ask before putting in the time to do it myself.

Best Answer

Unfortunately, Mint does not have an API.