Does WordPress charge for pointing to the custom domain


I have brought a domain name from godaddy – let's say

I have a wordpress blog eg:- Now I want to use custom domain( for the blog. I have heard it charges me money for custom domain. Is it correct?

Best Answer

Yes they will. The cost varies, generally between $13 and $25 per year.

If you already own the domain and wish to add it to your Wordpress site then it will cost $13 per year.

If you want to register a new domain and add it your Wordpress site then the cost starts at $18.

You can also purchase Private Registration at an additional cost of $8 per year.

It is important to note that depending on what top level domain you choose the price will change. e.g. a .com domain will cost you $18 where as a .me domain will cost you $25.

A full list of prices for domains can be found on this support page

  • Registering a domain through starts at $18.00 per domain, per year (see below for a detailed price list)
  • Domain owners are required to share their contact information. The $8.00 Private Registration upgrade will protect your identity and hide your contact information.
  • Adding a domain you already own costs $13.00 per domain, per year.