Easy way to mention the own blog link


When I need to mention a link in a post on my blog and the link is actually a link of my own blog post, I am mentioning it like this:


If I changed my blog name then the link will be dead. So what I want is just want mention the link without my blog name.

For example, instead of:


I want to mention it like:


So even if I changed my blog name, the link will work. How can I do this?

Best Answer

Blogger does not support relative addressing, so this is not possible.

If you change your blog name, then:

  • Blogger will change the names of links in your Pages gadget that point to your pages
  • Blogger will not change any internal links in your blog.

So you will have to manually edit each post, look at it in HTML mode and find-and-replace any links.

This is why it's a good idea to get your blog name right (including with a custom domain) before you start writing.