eBay – Purchase History Doesn’t Match Information on Other Parts of Website


I am looking at an eBay seller's Feedback. One of the most recent is from buyer i***4:


When I click on the "View Item" link to go to the item he bought it tells me that 18 were sold:

18 sold

When I click on the "18 sold" link to go to the item's Purchase history, it shows that only 12 were sold (7 Buy It Now and 5 Accepted offers) and none of the 12 buyers has the user ID i***4:

Purchase history

Why does the item's Purchase history show fewer than 18 purchases and none of the User IDs is i***4?

Best Answer

I'm an eBay seller and have often wondered that myself. However the answer is actually quite simple. eBay only stores 3 months of history (90 days I think) and any sales prior to that just don't display.

The buyer i***4 must have purchased earlier than the 90 days and has only left feedback recently. Sometimes people take a long time to leave feedback, if at all.