Edit HTML template on Blogger to add GitHub Fork Me ribbon


I am trying to modify my active Blogger.com template like this:

edit HTML button

I want to add a GitHub "Fork Me" ribbon to my template page and have tried pasting in the templates in the head tag and in the body tag. In both cases I get error messages like this from the blogger site:

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Is it possible to add such a snippet of code to a Blogger site by editing the template HTML? Where is the correct place to paste in the code snippet?

I tried a suggested approach to add the code in a widget on the page, unfortunately the result was not 100%. The ribbon shows up on top of the post archives, whereas I would like to show it further out, see below:

here how I modified the layout:


and here the result:


I think it may be possible to achieve the desired result with templates modifications, but it doesn't look like an easy task (to me) to modify the template.

The template that I use is based on the "Simple" one, but it still has a lot of code in it when you view the HTML.

Best Answer

The code the ribbon site provides lacks a </img> close tag. add it before </a> should make it display on your blogger.

The full code: <a href="https://github.com"><img style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; border: 0;" src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/github/ribbons/forkme_left_red_aa0000.png" alt="Fork me on GitHub"></img></a>

Add it before the </body> should do the job. It works for my blogger.

enter image description here