Draw.io – Editing Multiple Similar Shapes


My question is actually two-fold. I'm rather new to draw.io but I'm coming across two difficulties.

  1. Let's suppose that I have used a shape to illustrate similar things (let's say that I have used six Database shapes, all with the same size). If later on I want to modify their size, I can't see another way than changing them all one by one.
    Is there another way? I have in mind Microsoft Powerpoint in which I can select multiple shapes and right click (or use the top menu) to change their sizes.

  2. Again, if I have used a shape to illustrate similar things (let's say that I have used six Actor1 shapes) but later on I want to change those identical shapes to another (from Actor1 tor Actor2). One way I see to do it is to change them one by one. I do suppose it's not possible to do otherwise at the moment, is it?

Best Answer

Try File, Edit and replace shape=xy with shape=zx using a text editor.