Gmail Contacts – How to Stop Gmail from Automatically Creating Contacts


Gmail really likes to make contacts for me and stick them in my "All Contacts" list. I'd much rather manage my contacts myself and only add people when I want to specifically do so. (Actually, I wouldn't mind if they managed the list automatically except that oftentimes I get contacts made from mailing lists and sometimes the names are wrong, which is inconvenient.)

How can I make it so that my contacts list is neither obnoxiously long nor badly spelled and punctuated?

Best Answer

The previously-posted answers are no longer correct.

On the General tab under Settings is Create contacts for auto-complete:

  • When I send a message to a new person, add them to Other Contacts so that I can auto-complete to them next time
  • I'll add contacts myself

Screen shot: screen shot of options for auto-adding comments

The second option will prevent Gmail from auto-creating contacts for you.

This was one of many features announced in April, 2011.