Gmail Spam Prevention – Why Gmail Treats Emails from My Domain as Spam and How to Avoid It


Whenever I send a mail from to a Gmail account, Gmail treats it as spam.

I'm talking about the one e-mail I send to a prospect after I've met him (it is surely non-spam mail). It's happened several times already:

"Hey!, you never sent that e-mail you promised me" the prospect says.

"How come…? I did send it. Check the spam e-mail" I answer.

"Oh, there it is…"

I think it has to do with not being a well-known domain.

How/Where should I complaint about this?

Best Answer

Jeff Atwood had a really good post on things to do to help your email get through. This made a huge difference for the company I work for. Some highlights:

  1. Make sure the computer sending the email has a Reverse PTR record.
  2. Configure DomainKeys Identified Mail in your DNS and code.
  3. Set up a SenderID record in your DNS.