Google Drive – How to Transfer Ownership of Non-Docs Files


I'm trying to find a way to transfer ownership of a file in Google Drive to another user. I can share a file with another user, but I can't find a way to transfer ownership of the file. There seem to be solutions out there for Google Docs, Sheets and Slides, but not for normal files like .mp4 or .mov.

Ownership of the file matters for a few reasons, one of them being that the file is counted against the quota of the owner of the file.


Best Answer

There doesn't seem to be a way to do this, but I have found a workaround. Let's say A wants to transfer ownership of a file to B.

  1. A shares the file with B.
  2. B logs in, and makes a copy of the file by right-clicking on the file, and clicking "make a copy".
  3. A or B can now delete the original file.
  4. The new file can be renamed to be the same name as the original file. The new file also needs to be shared with A.

Any links to the old file will not point to the new file, unfortunately.