Google-drive – How to view the folder size in Google Drive


In Google Drive, you can use Sort split-button and choose Quota Used to show the size of each file there.

However, folder sizes are not shown.

I guess it's really a basic requirement in order to manage folders in Google Drive. I have a folder full of subfolders and files, and I can't go summing up the size of each file recursively.

I need to decide whether deleting this folder or not. But I need to know it's size beforehand.

Is there any way to see how much volume a folder has taken?

Best Answer

UPD: as Google started to block unverified scripts, the only way to use it is copy-paste the source to your script editor. And verification requires some extra effort, so I didn't do it yet.

UPD2: if you have a lot of files it will reach the execution time limit and stop; you will need to run it multiple times (you can also set up automatic timed trigger for this)

I wrote a simple script for this. You can run it from here:

(if it gets stopped, just run it once again, and it will continue from where it left)

It will create two files in the root of your Drive, one displays progress and is deleted after script is completed. Other is the report which lists all folders and sizes. It looks like this.Google Drive folder sizes report

Or you can just copy and paste the code into Google Script editor and run "doGet()" function from there:

function doGet(){
  var progressFileCompletedFound = DriveApp.getRootFolder().searchFiles("title contains 'Folder Sizes Report Completed'");
  if(progressFileCompletedFound.hasNext()) {
  return ContentService.createTextOutput("Report file was already created in your Drive's root folder, exiting.");
  DriveApp.createFile("Folder Sizes Report Completed.txt", "You may safely delete this file.");
  return ContentService.createTextOutput("Report file created in your Drive's root folder");

function CreateReportFile() {
  var reportContent = CreateReport();
  DriveApp.createFile('Folder Sizes Report.txt', reportContent);

function CreateReport(){
  var reportContent = "";
  var progressFileFound = DriveApp.getRootFolder().searchFiles("title contains 'Getting Folder Sizes,'");
  var progressFile;
  var report=[];
  if(progressFileFound.hasNext()) {
      progressFile =;
      var json = progressFile.getBlob().getDataAsString();
        report = JSON.parse(json);
      } catch(Exception) {
         progressFile = DriveApp.createFile("Getting Folder Sizes, 0 processed...", " ");
  else {
      progressFile = DriveApp.createFile("Getting Folder Sizes, 0 processed...", " ");
  var f = DriveApp.getRootFolder();
  AddFolderToReport(report, f, "/", progressFile);
  reportContent += "TotalSize MB   FilesSize MB   Path \r\n";
  for(var i=0; i<report.length; i++)
    reportContent += Utilities.formatString("%12.2f ", (report[i].totalSize / (1024*1024))) + Utilities.formatString("%11.2f      ",(report[i].filesSize / (1024*1024))) + report[i].folderPath + "\r\n";
  return reportContent;

function AddFolderToReport(report, currentFolder, currentPath, progressFile){
  var report1 = [];
  for(var i=0; i<report.length; i++)
    if(report[i].folderPath == currentPath)
       return report[i].totalSize;

  var fChildren = currentFolder.getFolders();
  var totalSize = 0;
  while(fChildren.hasNext() && currentPath.length < 2000){
    var nextF =;
    totalSize += AddFolderToReport(report, nextF, currentPath + nextF.getName() + "/", progressFile);
  var filesSize = 0;
  var files = currentFolder.getFiles();
    filesSize +=;
  totalSize += filesSize;
  report.push({folderPath: currentPath, filesSize: filesSize, totalSize: totalSize});
  progressFile.setName("Getting Folder Sizes, " + report.length + " processed...");
  return totalSize;

UPD: the script was updated so that if it runs too long and is stopped, just run it once more and it will resume from where it left, using data stored in "Getting Folder Sizes ..." file.