Google Drive Synchronization – Exclude Certain Local Folders but Keep Them on Computer


Using Google Drive on Windows (although I think the same question applies to OS/X) I want to exclude certain local folders but keep them on the computer. When I go to Drive preferences and deselect specific folders, it wants to remove them from the local PC and keep them only in the cloud. This doesn't work for me. I feel like I could do this in earlier versions of the Google Drive client but I cannot recall for sure. Is this possible?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, you can't do that with Google Drive. Removing a folder from the list of folders to sync removes it from your local drive.

Google Drive presumably assumes that the "master" version of your files exist in the "cloud". A folder set to not sync exists at, but can't exist on your hard drive. (At least, not in the Google Drive folder.)

You'll need to look for a different solution. Dropbox seems to work more the way you want.