Google Maps – How to Change the Language

google mapslocalization

My Chinese is still pretty poor, and my Korean is worse.  But Google Maps recently began showing me everything in Korean or Chinese.  Sometimes even a mixture of both. I can't find anything to change it.  My browser, if I don't catch it, switches me to, but that doesn’t make it Spanish.

I can follow an itinerary with difficulty, but choosing the best one it offers is a major problem.

How can I get it to do a language I am reasonably good at? (English or Spanish preferred.)

Best Answer


enter image description here


  1. Click on the Menu bar on Top Left.
  2. Click Language.  It's the second one after Print, with the 文A icon
  3. Set it to your liking.
  4. Enjoy!

For example i just changed my language to Deutsch and now i see directions like this

enter image description here