Google-search – How to search for a keyword with special characters in Google Search

google-searchspecial characters

I want to search for what += means, but Google won't return any documents.

Also when I come across some PHP code I don't understand I can't search for the keywords as written.

How can I search for these special characters or include these special characters in a search.

Best Answer

Just announced by Google, searching for special characters is greatly improved.

The catch? You need to search for at least two or three characters.

Now for queries containing sequences of 2-3 special characters such as [== vs ===] and [+=], Google will return results on the meaning of these sequences in programming languages.

For example, if you’re searching for the meaning of [c++17], you will get results for the well-known programming language instead of c17, which brings up a Boeing airplane. Additionally, organization and product names that include punctuation, such as She++ and Notepad++, will return more accurate results.

+= is even called out specifically as an example string.

As with all Google improvements, this is likely rolling out in stages, and may not be available in all languages.