Google-sheets – How to make some data on a Google Sheets auto-sorting

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Let's say I want Google Sheets to automagically sort some data, for example column C.

How do I do that?

I know that I can manually sort data by right-clicking and selecting Sort data, but this is not what I'm looking for.

Best Answer

You can use the sort() function for that, but you have to have your data in one place, and an automatically sorted copy of that data in another place.

For example, say I have Sheet1 with my data:

   | A    | B    | C
 1 | This | this | 2
 2 | Is   | is   | 1
 3 | Test | test | 3

Then in Sheet2, cell A1, I would put this function:

=sort(Sheet1!A:C, 3, TRUE)

This would show my data, but sorted by column C (the third column), ascending.

   | A    | B    | C
 1 | Is   | is   | 1
 2 | This | this | 2
 3 | Test | test | 3