Yahoo Password Recovery – How to Retrieve a Stolen Yahoo Account’s Password


One of my friends just got hacked on her PC and her Yahoo account password was stolen. Now the hacker use her account under her name for bad reason. He may have change alternative email, security question, etc.

What can we do about that? We need her account back. Is it possible?

ps. I tried to google search for Yahoo contact information but I'm not sure where to knock Yahoo door.

Best Answer

From here:

How to recover your Hacked Yahoo! Account:

“To be able to reset your hacked yahoo password just send a mail to Yahoo Security Department – always remember to be polite in contacting them, tell the whole story, don’t blame them for your hacked account, tell them when is the last time you access your account, supply them the password that you last used to accessed your account, give them all the information you entered when you register your account or just the information when you last update your account.”