How to switch back to Hotmail from

My Hotmail has been switched to automatically and I do not like the Outlook at all. I just need to get my Hotmail back and tried to do the steps mentioned. I can't find the sentence on how to switch back to the old Hotmail?

Best Answer

I am sorry to say you cannot. Since has left "preview" the migration from Hotmail is permanent.

Microsoft's Hotmail phase-out: What's a user to do?

Q: If I move my Hotmail account to an account, can I change my mind and go back?

A: At this point, no. (When was still in "preview," Microsoft did allow this.)

Also (from Microsoft Support):

Why can't I switch back to Hotmail?

Thanks for being a loyal Hotmail customer. As part of the transition from Hotmail to—the next generation of free email from Microsoft—there is no longer an option to switch back.