Google +1 Button – Embed Without JavaScript or Iframes


Is there a way to embed the Google +1 (plus one) button without the use of JavaScript or an iframe? Don't care about the counter of other people who also clicked the plus one since that's probably only something you can pull from the JavaScript version.

Google runs you through a wizard to add the +1 button to your website. What's generated is a few lines of JavaScript that your site/page needs to include in order to display the button.

For other sites like Twitter, delicious, reddit and even Facebook, you can send a link only version of their version of crowdsourcing social happy times.

You can also make that an inline version to send in emails or even drop in forums. Something you'd also be able to drop into a Tumblr post or such where they might not let you include either JavaScript or iframes in posts.

Is there a workaround to having an inline, non JavaScript or iframe version, of the Google +1 button?

Best Answer

A standard, simple hyperlink way of +1ing something (and sharing to Google+) is now making the rounds on blogs (couldn't find an official source, so it may still be undocumented):

Replace %URL with the URL. This is what shows up in the Google+ stream:

Google+ URL post