Equivalent of ‘BCC’ in Google+ so we can share posts with multiple people, privately


In Google+ I would like to share a post privately to multiple people, with comments and re-sharing disabled and whoever received this post should not be able to see who else I've shared it with. Its a bit like the 'blind carbon copy' feature in emails. Is this possible?

If this is not possible then I think Google are missing a trick here. I like having lots of small private conversations, rather than big loud shared ones! I know you can send lots of individual posts, but that is tedious and inefficient.

Best Answer

No, there is no facility within Google+ to share one item with multiple people separately. You'll need to share the same item multiple times.

For what it's worth, there's no facility in Facebook to do that either. In fact, it seems to fly in the face of "social" sharing altogether. If you want to share the same thing to multiple people individually, why not just use email?